Introduction to Aerospace Mechanics of Materials – AERO 214

Fundamental concepts for deformable bodies (conservation of linear and angular momentum, kinematics and thermoelasticity); notions of stress and strain and illustrative examples for engineering applications; introduction to experimental methods and reporting, instrumentation and uncertainty analysis; measurement of elastic and thermal material properties.
Micromechanics – AERO 617/MEMA 625

Frameworks and methodologies for evaluating the effective constitutive response at the macroscale in terms of microscale parameters (e.g., shape, volume fraction, constitutive properties, and distribution of heterogeneities). Analytical frameworks based on the Eshelby solution. Averaging methods such as the self-consistent and Mori-Tanaka methods. Computational homogenization methods (e.g., a multiscale asymptotic expansions-based method for elastic properties). Mesoscale method for elastoplastic properties.
International Summer School on Advanced Material Systems (AMS)

Topics: Shape memory alloys (SMAs), additive manufacturing of phase transforming materials, porous materials, micromechanics of ductile failure, micromechanics of multifunctional composites, modeling and macro-scale fracture in SMAs.
Featuring interactive micromechanics & SMA workshops, industry training, and student projects.