Current Projects
- “Adaptive Aerostructures for Revolutionary Civil Supersonic Transportation”, NASA Aeronautics’ University Leadership Initiative (ULI).
- “Planning Grant: Engineering Research Center for Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Discovery for Extreme Environments (CAM2DE2)”, National Science Foundation (NSF).
- “Unified Theory and Experimentation for Fatigue and Fracture of High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys”, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
- “Vibration Monitoring and Suppression in Oil and Gas Piping Systems using a Novel Concept combining Shape Memory Alloy and Metamaterial inspired Structures”, Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF).
- “Aramid Nanofiber-Functionalized Graphene Electrodes for Structural Load-Bearing Energy Storage”, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
Past Projects
- NSF, “REU Site: Multifunctional Materials,”.
- S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Morphological and Interfacial Effects in Aramid-Graphene Composites for Structural Energy and Power,”.
- NSF, “Student Support for 4th International Summer School on Advanced Material Systems (AMS) – Processing – Characterization – Modeling, July 1-7, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece,”.
- NASA, “University Leadership Initiative on Adaptive Aerostructures for Revolutionary Civil Supersonic Transportation,”.
- S. Air Force Research Laboratory, “AFRL/TAMU Data-Enabled Discovery and Design of Materials (D3M),”.
- S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Multi-Material Bulk Deposition and Characterization System for Accelerated Materials Discovery and Design,”.
- S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Aramid Nanofiber- Functionalized Graphene Electrodes for Structural Energy and Power,”.
- S. Steel Tubular Products, Inc., “Unconventional Well Casing Failures: Quantifying the Problem, Establishing Failure Mechanisms and Understanding Risk Factors,”.
- NSF, “REU Site: Multifunctional Materials,”.
- NSF, “DMREF: Accelerating the Development of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Actuation- Induced Failure of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- QNRF, “Fluid-Structure Interaction of Elastic Shells for Aerospace and Biomedical Applications- Cycle 7,”.
- Army Research Lab, “Damping Modulation in Nanocomposites,”.
- Boeing Company, “Tensile and torque Tube Fatigue Characterization of NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- Aramco Services Company, “Hydraulic Fracturing with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Proppants: A Feasibility Study,”.
- NSF, “Fracture Mechanics in the Presence of Reversible Martensitic Transformation in High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- Clarkson Aerospace, Inc., “Minority Leaders Program: Materials and Manufacturing Nanotechnology Research,”.
- Sandia National Laboratories: Texas A&M Excellence in Engineering Research Program.
- NSF, “EFRI-OSISSEI: Synthesizing Complex Structures from Programmable Self-Folding Active Materials,”.
- Boeing Company, “Shape Memory Alloy Fatigue,”.
- US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Nano-Precipitation Hardened High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys with Dimensional and Thermal Stability,”.
- NSF, “REU Site: Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunities for Undergraduates,”.
- Weber Aircraft LLC, “Implementation of SMAs into Aircraft Seating _ Phase 1: Headrest,”.
- Boeing Company, “Improved SMA Actuators,”.
- Boeing Company, “Conformal Moldline Link (CML) Modeling Using ABAQUS (Follow-On),”.
- Northrop Grumman, “Unmanned Air System Departure Resistance Using nonlinear Two-time Scale Tracking Control,”.
- Sandia National Laboratories, “Educational Institution Contract with Texas A&M University,”.
- Boeing Company, “Active Spar Finite Element Analysis Support,”.
- Boeing Company, “Conformal Moldline Link (CML) Modeling Using ABAQUS,”.
- Boeing Company, “Improved SMA Actuators,”.
- Boeing Company, “Texas A&M University eMAR Active Spar FEA Analysis,”.
- Clarkson Aerospace, Inc., “Minority Leaders: Sensors Technical Thrust – Task Order 0017 Materials and Manufacturing Exploration in Support of Air Force Systems and Applications,”.
- US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “(DURIP 10) Acquisition of Mechanically Assisted Spark Plasma Sintering System for Advanced Research and Education on Functionally Graded Hybrid Materials,”..
- Tenaris, “Shape Memory Alloy Pipe Couplers,”.
- Schlumberger, Inc., “Characterization of Shape Memory Alloy Actuator for Oil Industry Applications,”.
- Lynntech, Inc., “High Energy Density Capacitors for Pulsed Power Systems,”.
- NSF, “REU Site: Multifunctional Materials Systems,”.
- NSF, “U.S. – Turkey Workshop on Shape Memory Alloys: Current Challenges and Future Prospect, June 2010, at Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey,”.
- Boeing Company, “Large Tube and High Torque Test Bed (HTTB) Modeling Using ABAQUS and UMATs,”.
- Boeing Company, “Analysis of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Test Data and Characterization of SMA Test Specimens,”.
- US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling of Functionally Graded Multifunctional Hybrid Composites for Extreme Environments (MURI),”.
- Clarkson Aerospace, Inc., “Materials and Manufacturing Research,”.
- Boeing Company, “Modeling of SMA Actuated Trailing Edge Devices,”.
- NSF-IIMEC: “International Institute for Multifunctional Materials for Energy Conversion (IIMEC),”.
- Clarkson Aerospace, Inc., “Materials and Manufacturing Research,”.
- US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Electromagnetically Tunable Fluids,”.
- NSF-I/UCRC: “Establishment of a Site on SMA-Research Technologies (SMA-RT) as part of OSU-SVC,”.
- NSF-NIRT: Hierarchical Manufacturing and Modeling for Phase Transforming Active Nanostructures.
- Boeing Aerospace & Electronics, “A Comprehensive Analysis of the Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior for 60-NiTi Shape Memory Alloy,”.
- US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Shape Memory Alloy for Vibration Isolation and Damping of Large-Scale Space Structures,”.
- NASA Shared Services Center, “Multi-Scale Modeling and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Multi-Functional Composites as New Lightweight, Durable Materials for Improved Subsonic, Fixed-Wing Vehicle Performance,”.
- NASA Glenn Research Center, “Thermomechanical Processing and Modelling of High Temperature SMAs for Multifunctional Engine Components – NRA/”Research Opportunities in Aeronautics – 2006,”.
- Clarkson Aerospace, Inc., “Materials and Manufacturing Research,”.
- National Science Foundation, “Thermo-Mechanically Enhanced Interfaces with Multifunctional Nanoparticles,”.
- Toyon Research Corporation, “Microfluidic Systems for Reconfigurable RF Surfaces and Systems,”.
- Army Research Office, “Magnetic Field-Induced Phase Transformation in Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys with High Actuation Stress and Work Output,”.
- Schlumberger, “Characterization of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys (HTSMAs) for Oil Exploration Applications,”.
- NSF-IGERT, “New Mathematical Tools for Next Generation Materials,”.
- S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), “New Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys with High Actuation Force for Sensing and Power Generation,”.
- DOD-Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, “Reversible Control of Anisotropic Electrical Conductivity Using Colloidol Microfluidic Networks,”.
- AFRL – Clarkson Aerospace, “Materials and Manufacturing Research,”.
- NSF-REU Site, “Nanotechnology and Materials Systems,”.
- NSF MRI, “Acquisition of a Combined Raman and Infrared Microscope with Nano-scale Spatial Resolution,”.
- NSF IMR, “Acquisition of a State-of-the-Art X-Ray Diffraction System for Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Materials Characterization Research and Education,”.
- Schlumberger, “High Temperature SMA’s for Oil Exploration Applications,”.
- Sandia National Laboratories, “Analytical Micromechanical Modeling,”.
- S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), “Iron and Cobalt Base Structural Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy Single and Textured Polycrystals with High Actuation Force,”.
- S. Department of Education, “GAAN: Interdisciplinary Fellowships for Nanotechnology, Materials and Sensors,”.
- NASA-University Research and Engineering Institute, “Institute for Intelligent Bio-Nano Materials and Structures for Aerospace Vehicles,”.
- National Science Foundation, “US-Germany Research Collaboration: Bridging Length Scales in Deforming Single and Textured Polycrystals of Structural Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- Army Research Office-DURIP, “Magnetic Thermo Mechanical (MTM) Testing System for Characterization of Magnetic Shape Memory Materials,”.
- Army Research Office, “Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys with High Actuation Forces,”.
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-Advanced Research Projects, “Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy Actuators,”.
- Army Research Office-DARPA, “Highly Compact Shape Memory Alloy Actuators,”.
- Boeing, “Thermomechanical Characterization of Large Force-Displacement Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuators,”.
- National Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Louisiana Partnership, NASA, “Prediction of Microcracking Induced Permeability of Cryogenic Composite Tanks,”.
- National Science Foundation, “Development of an Integrated Multidisciplinary Curriculum for Intelligent Systems,”.
- National Science Foundation, “Microscale Processing of Multifunctional Materials,”.
- NASA Langley Research Center, “Active Skin for Turbulent Drag Reduction,”.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Fatigue Life and Dynamic Response of SMA Actuators,”.
- Air Force Research Laboratory, Syndetix, Inc., “Feasibility of Pseudoelastic Nitinol as Nonlinear Isolator,”.
- National Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Louisiana Partnership, NASA, “Prediction of Microcracking Induced Permeability of Cryogenic Composite Tanks,”.
- National Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Louisiana Partnership, NASA, “Characterization of Electron Beam Curing of Composites,”.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Workshop on Research and Applications of Active Materials and Smart Structures,”.
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board -Technology Development and Transfer Program, “Smart Structures Technologies in Industrial Environments,”.
- Office of Naval Research, “Dynamic Behavior and Shock Absorption Properties of Porous Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Active Materials Characterization Laboratory,”.
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-Advanced Technology Program, “Development of Enabling Technologies for Reconfigurable Uninhabited Air Vehicles,”.
- Bell Helicopter Textron, “Modeling of Stresses and Deformation Patterns in Thick Composite Laminates,”.
- Office of Naval Research – STTR Program, Phase II, “Application of Active Materials and Neural Networks to Aquatic Biomimetics,”.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Thermomechanical Modeling and Experimentation for SMA Actuators Under Cyclic Loading,”.
- Office of Naval Research, “Nonlinear Active Control of External Fluid Flows,”.
- National Science Foundation – Foundation Coalition, “Restructuring of the Sophomore Engineering Curriculum,”.
- Office of Naval Research, “Design and Implementation of a Smart Flap Assisted Control Surface (SFACS),”.
- Army Research Office (European Branch), “Simulation of Dislocation and Transformation Plasticity in Shape Memory Alloys,”.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AASERT Grant on “Micromechanism Based Modeling of Metal Matrix Composites,”.
- Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., “Development of Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for IM7/8552 Composite,”.
- Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., “Loss Tangent Stabilization of SMA-Elastomeric Composite Dampers,”.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, “Micromechanism Based Modeling of Metal Matrix Composites Subjected to Thermal Transients,”.
- Office of Naval Research, “Design of High-Frequency SMA Actuators,”.
- Army Research Office, AASERT Grant on “Constitutive Modeling of Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) for Structural Applications,”.
- Army Research Office ‑ University Research Initiative Program, “Interdisciplinary Basic Research in Smart Materials and Structures,”.
- National Science Foundation, “Computing Across the Basic Sciences,”.
- National Science Foundation, “Undergraduate Course Development in Engineering: Mechanics and Linear Algebra,”.
- Defense Advanced Research Project Agency ‑ University Research Initiative Program, “Mechanism-Based Design of Composite Structures,”.
- Lilly Endowment, Inc., “Development of Undergraduate Civil Engineering Course ‑ Applied Solid Mechanics,”.
- Center for Innovation in Undergraduate Education, “Further Development of 20.1100 Intro to Engineering Analysis, A Course in the Engineering Pilot Program,”.
- Army ‑ Watervliet Arsenal, “Micromechanics of Composite Materials Using Averaging Techniques,”.
- National Science Foundation, “Damage Evolution Based on Distributed and localized Changes of Microstructure,” NSF Research Initiation Award Grant No. MSS‑9109184.
- Engineering Foundation, “Compression Strength of Composite Laminates,” Air Force Engineering Foundation Grant RI‑B‑90‑7.